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How I Created My Signature Abalone Earrings

My Design Process Signature Earring

When I was first getting serious about making jewelry, I had no rhyme or reason to the beads and components I bought at every bead store I could find.  I bought what I liked, what caught my eye, what looked fun and interesting.  Then I brought them home to try to figure out what to do with them.  My creative process is much more refined now of course, but back then it was all about fun and experimentation.

One day in the studio (actually back then it was probably my kitchen table) I found myself surrounded by sparkly crystals, and I realized some of the colors I had picked matched colors that were in my abalone beads.  I started matching up pairs of abalone beads to the crystal colors that matched them best.  But then what?  How would I make them into earrings?  I tried several different wire wrapping techniques and wasn't happy with how any of them looked.  

Then I rediscovered a package of kidney ear wires that I had bought a while back but didn't know what to do with.  I wrapped the abalone beads and dangled them from the bottom of the ear wire.  It looked fine, but just kinda boring.  It needed something else, some sparkle.  It just seemed like all that wire was wasted space.  

Light bulb moment!  Why not string the crystals onto the wire?  And just like that (well, okay, with a little bit more of experimentation and refinement) my Signature Earring was born.  

It is that little moment of inspiration (genious? lol!) that we all live for.  The excitement about our craft that propels us forward.  

What I love about these earrings is that they are super light-weight and can be worn with anything.  Wear them with jeans and a tank top to a baseball game or wear them out on a hot date in your little black dress.  Either way, you will get lots of compliments!

Shop through my Signature Abalone Earrings here and let me know what outfit you will pair them with in the comments below!

Love the style and want to see more variety?  Check out my Signature Collection here!

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