Setting Intentions for a Positive Life

Intention Collection Intention Setting Power of Words

I had know idea how much power I hold.

For the longest time, I didn’t realize I could control my own thoughts.  I assumed my thoughts were like a stream constantly running through my head at any given moment and that there really wasn’t any way to control them, other than to try and tune them out. 

Can you relate to this?

It wasn’t until I embraced the need for change in my life that I began doing research. 

I found out that we actually can control our thoughts. 

I learned about the science behind why it feels so hard to change our thought and behavioral patterns.  When we think a certain thought or act a certain way in response to something, our reaction creates a groove or pathway in our brain.  The next time we are confronted by that same thing our brain recognizes that we created a pathway specifically for this situation and it takes us down that pathway again, and the pathway in our brain becomes a little more ingrained.  Each time we go down the pathway it gets a little more carved out, making it harder for us to take a different pathway the next time we are in that situation.

Knowing this, it's easy to see how we become “stuck” in our ways, beliefs, and reactions. 

In a way it's relieving to know it isn’t totally our fault we have certain tendencies, right?  Go ahead and revel in that knowledge for a moment, but don’t stay there too long…. 

We also have science to show that you aren’t off the hook!

The Power of Intention Setting

There is a large body of research showing that we have the power to override the patterns we've put in place throughout our lives. 

The first step of course is to recognize the thought or behavior patterns you want to work on. 

I started by focusing on my negativity.  I didn’t think I was being negative all these years.  I saw it as being practical; logical.  Truthful, even.  But as I learned more, I realized the wording I chose always focused on the negative aspects I didn’t want, instead of the positive aspects I did want.  For example, as I struggled with my health, I was always thinking or talking about how I never felt well and how sick I was, instead of focusing on how I was getting closer to finding the right health plan to elevate my health, or focusing on how well I felt when I had a good day instead of putting the focus on how bad I felt the day before or after.

Once I started understanding the power of my chosen words, I began making changes.  When I recognized a thought that had a negative spin, I found a way to flip it to the positive.  This took a lot of patience and a lot of self-reflection.  It's much easier now, but I’m not gonna lie—this is a life-long practice that we all need to embrace for our own mental health! 

This is where intention-setting is very powerful.  It is a tool we can create for ourselves any time we identify something that we would like to work on within ourselves, the way we interact with our loved ones, or even how we show up in our community. 

The definition of intention is “a thing intended; an aim or a plan.”

By setting an intention we create a focus, a game plan.  Pick something you really feel the need for; an area you really feel called to improve upon.  If you pick an intention half-heartedly, you won’t follow it.  An example may be “stay calm and grounded,” or perhaps “make a difference.” 

When you settle on an intention that feels right, create an affirmation around it and write it down.  Carry with you and recite it throughout the day.  Post it on your bathroom mirror and your refrigerator. 

When you write your affirmation, pay close attention to the words you choose.  Keep them positive, grateful, and written as if your intention is already happening.  Instead of saying “I will try to stay calm next time I have a stressful day at work,” say “I am so grateful I have the ability to stay calm when work is challenging.”  Do you see the difference?  The first is focused on the stress, while the second assumes you already have the ability to keep calm.

The Intention Collection

I am so excited to announce this labor of love!  Because I believe so strongly in the power of our thoughts and words and the magic of setting intentions, I created the Intention Collection to help you choose an intention you feel strongly about and help hold you accountable by wearing your chosen Intentional Jewelry.

The collection includes 13 sets of jewelry, including necklaces, earrings and bracelets.  Each set has its own intention based on the energy of the stones, and will be available to purchase as a complete set or in individual pieces. 

When you make a purchase, your jewelry will come with an intention card featuring an affirmation and a morning prayer card to carry with you and repeat throughout the day.  Wearing your jewelry will amplify the intention and will keep you accountable as a reminder to recite your affirmation.

The Intention Collection features one-of-a-kind pieces, so the pieces you choose will be exclusive to you!  

Click here to view the collection!

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